Thursday, January 17, 2013


Welcome to my new blog, all about the forthcoming adventures to be had in the great continent of Australia.

Australia? What? Yes, that big island down there, one of the closest countries to Antarctica yet the hottest country I'll ever willingly go. The land where some of the nicest people on earth bid each other G'day as they ride to work on kangaroos and never leave the house without safari gear and a bandana kerchief. (totally kidding).

Why am I moving to Australia? Because I can. It's reason enough for reason to take a back seat.

Who will I be with? Emily 1, Emily 2, Emmily and Cal! We will be living in a cute modestly priced four-bedroom house in the city of Brisbane. Emily 1 and Emily 2 are from Hollins, Cal is the new husband of Emily 2, and Emmily is a lovely Australian native.
If only my name were Emily as well, then we could have color coded everything and a travel channel reality show, "Adventures of the Emilys" or "Emilys Gone Wild" or some other crazy Emily/Australia pun I can't think of right now because it's 1 in the morning.
We will be on the look-out for a fifth roommate whose name starts with "H" so that we can call ourselves, "C.H.E.E.S.E."

So I imagine that everyone I am allowing to receive the link to this blog will have some minor interest in these Australian adventures.
Maybe it'll convince you to make the bold move to another country because you can.
Maybe it'll be the only pieces of Australia you will see. (but lets hope not!)
Maybe you've been to Australia and want to live vicariously through me. (talking to you, Devin :P )
Maybe you're just bored and my ramblings might give you a chuckle or five at some point.

Any reason you have clicked on this link, be forewarned:
I talk about myself a lot, I blog when I'm feeling a full range of emotion, I might get explicit, I whine, I rant, I ramble, I'm politically incorrect...sometimes get the idea. Just don't be surprised if at some point you're like, woah Sarah, woah, reel in the crazy a bit.

 Some of you read my London blog, and I'll make the promise now that this blog will be a bit different. I'm re-reading my blog from the London trip, just shaking my head at how worried I was around this time. On this exact date two years ago, I was worrying my little head off about how we hadn't been told where we were living yet.

Well I can say that we have a house in Australia :)
I've been applying for jobs, I've been preparing my clothes and my things and everything. I'll even start packing tomorrow probably. I don't know what it is about this trip but when I went to London, everyone was more excited for it than I was. This time it's the opposite.

I'll admit I don't know anything about Brisbane. I don't know what's there besides a river, and our address, Emily and Cal, and lots and lots of big spiders. It's a place of pure discovery, which is just the best. I don't know what to expect, so I can't possibly be let down. (I'll probably find a way...if for no other reason than to keep this blog interesting for you).

I'm moving to Australia indefinitely, and I can't wait.

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